Professional musician Robin Spielberg says music saved her daughter’s life.
In 1998, Spielberg was pregnant with twin girls when she suffered complications. Anemergency cesarean was performed during the 22nd week of pregnancy. Sadly, one of thetwins passed away, but Valerie survived.
Valerie was born weighing only 12 ounces and was the size of a can of soda. She was so smallthat she didn’t meet the hospital’s premature baby weight limit necessary to receive life-savingtreatment. A kind nurse put her thumb on the scale and recorded her weight at 17 ounces,just enough to make her eligible to receive medical support.
It was touch-and-go. To make matters worse, the hospital was very loud and busy. Spielbergthought it felt more like an emergency room than a healing environment. She wanted todrown out the hustle and bustle of the hospital.
She couldn’t bring her piano, so she played CDs for her daughter. Amazingly, Valerieimproved. Her oxygen saturation levels increased, her blood pressure stabilized, and herheart’s rhythm became more steady. This wasn’t a fluke – it happened again and again forfour months. And it affected all of the other babies in the room as well. Valerie’s healthcontinued to improve after months of music and medical attention.
People have been using music and rhythm to heal since ancient times. It is finally starting tocatch on in modern society.
One study of 272 premature babies showed that vital signs could be improved throughinteractive sounds and music therapy.
Music isn’t only beneficial for babies. Studies show that music is able to ease pain, enhanceblood vessel function, reduce stress and depression, and boost the immune system in adults,too. Music also helps elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia to recallmemories and emotions. It can even help them make new memories.
Having seen the amazing impact music had on her baby, Spielberg began working alongsidemusic therapists. She also volunteered in nursing homes where she once inspired a muteman to speak with music. The elderly man’s wife had passed away and the pain seemed toomuch for him to handle. He had withdrawn from the world and hadn’t spoken in 6 months.When Spielberg unknowingly played his wedding song, the man broke out of his shell. Hebegan singing and then asked to speak with his family.
Spielberg is still a professional musician. And these days she also teaches and speaks toaudiences about the power of music. Her daughter, Valerie, is now a healthy and happy youngwoman. And she has become a musician herself, playing both the piano and percussion.