Florence Manyande’s string of bad luck began in 2010. She had lost seemingly everythingand was severely depressed. She was at rock bottom. But then she was given a blessing indisguise. She was hit by a car.
By the time of her accident, Manyande’s husband had left her. She was taking care of herthree children all by herself. She didn’t know how she could pay for their schooling. She hadno home and her family refused to take her in. She was losing hope. But after being hit by acar on that fateful day, a woman pulled her from the road and took her to a clinic to betreated.
That woman was a health worker and she introduced Manyande to something which changedher life forever. It was a bench. But it wasn’t just any old bench.
The Friendship Bench was coined by Dr. Dixon Chibanda, a psychiatrist at the University ofZimbabwe. Mental illness has a stigma throughout most of the world, but Zimbabwe takesthe cake. In Zimbabwe, it is often seen as a curse and people traditionally seek an exorcisminstead of going to a mental health clinic. Dr. Chibanda found that even though so manypeople refused to go to clinics, many seemed comfortable sitting on a park bench and sharingtheir problems with a member of their community.
These community counselors are usually older women who are respected members of thecommunity. Together, they make plans to overcome the problem at hand.
A study done on the Friendship Benches showed impressive results. Two groups of peoplewere tested. One group received standard treatment for anxiety and depression, including theprescription of medication as needed. The other experienced the Friendship Bench. After sixmonths, half of the standard group still had symptoms. But only 13% of the Bench group stillhad symptoms!
The Friendship Benches also seem to be changing the culture around mental illness inZimbabwe. People feel more comfortable talking about their conditions and this is making thesubject less of a taboo.
Friendship Benches have been a resounding success and are spreading to multiple cities.
Manyande has now recovered from her accident. She and her children have a home, whichshe found through her new community of supportive friends. She learned to crochet bags tomake money. And her relationship with her family has improved. Best of all, she feels betteremotionally and is no longer suicidal. She says that one of the best parts of the FriendshipBench is knowing that there is someone who will listen.